Saturday, August 29, 2009

BIG Update - 3 of 4

The original owners of the house worked with the builder to have an upstairs bedroom closet fit a desk from the 1800s they had. That means one of the bedroom closets has no doors, door stop or even holes mortised in for hinges. I don't have a 100 year old desk so this doesn't really help me out any. Neither did the last two owners, but it must not have bothered them as much as it did me.

To hang a set of double doors you need all of the obvious stuff, and a few things that turn out to be not so obvious. Of course you need doors, hinges, handles, door stop, and something to keep them closed. To install all of this you'll need a router, drill, air-powered finish nailer (to do the door stop the quick way), 45 degree angle, hammer, chisel and skill saw.

The easiest way to get started is to measure the location of all the other door hinges in your house because odds are they're all the same height. You also have to measure how far into the door frame they're installed or the door will sit too far in or out when it's closed. Mark this on your door frame, set the router to the thickness of the hinges and make a cut. You'll have to use a hammer and chisel on the corners. Now carefully measure the same door you looked at earlier to get the location the hinge will be on the door and make a cut. Now you're ready to hang the door (or doors in my case) where you discover... these things don't fit!

Trimming the door is a lot easier than it sounds. Measure how much you need to remove and get at it. To trim hollow core doors you have to take material off the bottom, and since these just have dummy handles you remove wood from the side opposite the hinges. The best tool to use for this job is a planer. Bosch sells a good one for around $100, and as an added bonus it's not made in China! Now that the doors are the correct size and installed, cut sections of door stop and use the air nailer to install them. Then add the hardware.

The end result:

So why make a whole post about this? Because it's about 10 hours worth of work if you've never done it before. But if you're careful the end result will be just as good as if the doors were always there. Now this bedroom has a real closet!

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