Monday, October 5, 2009

Flooring Demo - Update

Late Saturday Elle and I started removing the old carpet in the dining room. We started there first because the tv and entertainment center are too big for the two of us to move and help wasn't coming until Sunday. Not a whole lot of surprises under there. The concrete looks good and there's nothing exciting down there. Underneath carpet on a house this new isn't exactly the place you go to find stuff.

So removing the carpet was easy and tack strips aren't exactly hard. All carpet will be donated to a (Tibetan?) refugee center, by the way. Tile is a little more trouble. I don't have any spares for the tile in the kitchen area, and these are exactly the same so I wanted to pull up as many as possible in one piece. We got about half - the tile was installed really well and didn't want to come up. The hard part with removing tile is getting the cement they're installed in off the concrete. MUCH more on that tomorrow.

I have a bunch of pictures to post tomorrow. As of right now:
The dining room: carpet and tack strip is out, baseboards are out
Entry way: tile removed, some tile mortar removed, baseboards out
Hallway: carpet and tack strip out

I'm taking the day off from work because the wood flooring is coming in... sometime. 1,210 lbs of it delivered to the curb. Guess who gets to take it inside? Anyway, much more coherent post coming tomorrow. With pictures. Check back soon!

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