Thursday, April 29, 2010

The calm before the work begins

It's no secret that I've been doing a lot more planning than actual work this spring. That phase will come to an end soon. So far for the bathroom I have every major source of materials figured out, except for the shower glass and granite and I do have a couple of places I'd like to talk to sometime soon. The good news is that if everything works out I won't have to look far when planning for the kitchen work. The final unknowns are just in the details. Hardware and sinks. I may actually go with Lowes for the sinks because they seem to be a lot more competitive than the place I stopped by earlier, but there has been a second place recommended to me who I plan on visiting.

I also have a detailed project plan to work to. It should take about a month to do the bathroom and another month to do the kitchen. So right now I'm just waiting for the semester to wrap up and for timing to be just right... it'll happen soon.
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