Sunday, June 14, 2009

Don't things ever get fixed?

I really wanted to get the front door fixed before the wedding. REALLY, really wanted to. But the stained glass guy was busy and the window was in much worse shape than I thought, so it makes a lot more sense to just replace it. It won't cost a whole lot more than fixing it anyway, and it'll look a lot newer. Now that we're back from the honeymoon of course now it's time for him to go on vacation. Oh well, it'll get done when it gets done... at least it'll be fixed the right way.

We've also trained Snowy to be more calm when the doorbell rings. This isn't going to happen again.

I got a lot of advice from my aunt who knows a lot about decorating and design while she was here. Apparently the shade of green that the entire downstairs is painted in has a lot more life left on it than I thought. She also said that a dark wood would go well downstairs in the living room and dining room, and that it'd be a good idea to think about doing something with the mantle. The floor will be easy because I've been looking into that for months now, but the fireplace... much more difficult. I'm hoping to break ground on this project sometime in late July. Until then I'll be busy planning and trying to integrate all the stuff Elle and I got for our wedding with everything.

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