The new trees came in! I went to Millenberger and walked around the back lot where they keep the big stuff. I picked out a cedar elm that's about 30 feet tall and a live oak that's maybe around 25 feet. It's not a true DIY project because I didn't dig the holes the trees were planted in, but it took a huge earth mover to dig down 4 feet and I'd rather farm that out than stand out there with a shovel and pickaxe for a week! The one problem out of all this... the vitex shrub tree things that were there beforehand. I cut them down myself which was pretty easy to do. But I didn't take into account what to do with the wood. It's stacked up in the back yard, waiting for me to do something with it. Hope I can figure something out before too long!

During - you can see why I didn't want to dig the holes! It was impossible to get a pic of the bottom of the hole since it was pretty much 5ft around x 4ft deep.

And After! The big challenge will be getting them established. Texas is in a horrible drought right now so that means lots of water. They aren't a lot to look at right now, especially since there aren't any leaves yet. The tree guys said they'll look a lot better next year (as in, 2010).
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