Saturday, September 18, 2010

Plaster is Up

I worked for about 8 hours today getting the plaster up in the breakfast room today. Would've done the kitchen too but the new cabinets will be a different size than the old ones are and I'd just have to redo part of it later anyway. I'll wait until everything is out and do the kitchen part all at once.

Here's how it came out - exactly the color I was hoping for. Too bad pictures really don't capture what it looks like in person. Guess the oven can go in the garage with the rest of the appliances tomorrow since it's not like both cars fit in the garage right now anyway. Snowy also made it in the picture. Not too sure he's a big fan of what's going on.

Tomorrow I'm going to Harbor Freight if they're open to get a tool to remove the tile, and I'll get started with that. I really have no idea how long this will take, but it's something that has to happen and there's no sense putting it off. If I'm lucky maybe I'll be done with it by Monday or Tuesday (yeah right) and I could start putting in the new tile.

Better wrap up this entry now because clearly I'm getting delusional...

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