Snowy wonders why I won't walk around in the kitchen like he does.
It looks terrible but the stuff had to come out so I could tile the laundry room. At least that's done so I can go ahead and grout tomorrow and put the washer and dryer back in. Unfortunately we'll be without water for most of the day because I have to move the water softener so I can tile underneath it, and then the thin set has to take some time to dry before it can go back. I'll try and do this as early as possible to try and minimize the inconvenience.
So tomorrow the plan is to tile the last few odds and ends that need to be done, then do a little grouting in the laundry room and move on to working on the microwave wiring and vent. After that's done the sheetrock will need to be patched and then plaster can go up. I may just focus on that one area so I can get a few cabinets put back up and think about installing the microwave. If all that is done tomorrow I'll consider myself very lucky. Scary thing is, if I work hard on this the kitchen may be put back together by the end of the week except for countertops.
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